According to the Constitution of Kenya, every person has a duty to cooperate with State organs and other persons to protect and conserve the environment and ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources. This duty is in line with the State’s obligation to ensure sustainable exploitation, utilization, management, and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of the accruing benefits.
The duty to cooperate with the State to protect and conserve the environment and natural resources is a fundamental responsibility that every individual should take seriously. It is a responsibility that requires us to be mindful of our actions and their impact on the environment. We must all work together to ensure that we protect and conserve our natural resources for future generations.
Sustainable development is a key aspect of this responsibility. It is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. To achieve sustainable development, we must ensure that our actions do not harm the environment or deplete natural resources. We must also ensure that we use natural resources in a responsible and sustainable manner.
To ensure sustainable development, we must implement measures that protect and conserve the environment and natural resources. These measures include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Promoting sustainable exploitation, utilization, management, and conservation of the environment and natural resources: This involves ensuring that we use natural resources in a responsible and sustainable manner, and that we protect and conserve the environment for future generations.
- Achieving and maintaining a tree cover of at least ten per cent of the land area of Kenya: This is an important measure that helps to protect and conserve the environment and natural resources.
- Protecting and enhancing intellectual property in, and indigenous knowledge of, biodiversity and the genetic resources of the communities: This measure helps to ensure that we protect and conserve our natural resources for future generations.
- Encouraging public participation in the management, protection, and conservation of the environment: This measure helps to ensure that we work together to protect and conserve the environment and natural resources.
- Establishing systems of environmental impact assessment, environmental audit, and monitoring of the environment: This measure helps to ensure that we are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and natural resources.
- Eliminating processes and activities that are likely to endanger the environment: This measure helps to ensure that we protect and conserve the environment and natural resources.
- Utilizing the environment and natural resources for the benefit of the people of Kenya: This measure involves ensuring that we use natural resources in a responsible and sustainable manner, and that we protect and conserve the environment for future generations.
In conclusion, every person has a duty to cooperate with the State to protect and conserve the environment and the country’s natural resources to ensure sustainable development. This duty requires us to be mindful of our actions and their impact on the environment, and to work together to protect and conserve our natural resources for future generations.